Thursday, December 1, 2011

Its that time of the semester!

So currently I am sitting in the library here at Adrian College. It's the week before finals, and its gets pretty hectic in the library. During the day its hard to find an open computer. Its simply a tease to lets students go home for Thanksgiving break for 5 days and then bring them back for two weeks. One week of classes, which usually consists of two things... 1. Well finals is next week so we are gonna cram all the stuff we haven't gotten to during this semester and Yes it will be on the Final! and/or 2. Its finals next week so we will go over everything that we have done over the semester to review for the final, yes I know you could have studied at home, but its more fun at school... right!...
Finals are the most hectic part of the school year! And it's different for everyone. Finals can be tests or even presentations, both need plenty of studying, which means long hours in the library. Some people are lucky enough have one final, because their teachers want to get out of here as much as we do. Some have maybe two to three finals over the finals week, and they are nicely spread out, with plenty of time to both sleep and study. some have three to five finals and they are crammed into two days, meaning that they have finals back to back, which just plain sucks.
My current desk situation, woot! Stats, you can even see that this blog is on the screen!
Luckily this year I got an okay finals schedule. I have a total of five finals. One of them is a presentation. the rest are all exams. Even though five finals sounds like a lot, and i won't lie, it is. The nice thing is that most of then are spread out. I have one Monday morning at 8:30am-10:30am, one on Tuesday 3:30-5:30pm, two on Wednesday 8:30am-10:30am and 3:30pm-5:30pm. the time between these finals is more than enough time to get a cat nap in and some last minute studying, and I'll make sure I don't forget my brain food! and then I ave my last final Thursday morning which happens to be that presentation I was talking about. After that I am Chicago bound. I will probably make it easier on myself and park outside the building that my class is in, that way I don't have to walk all the way back to my hall, just to jump in my car and go home!
Here at Adrian College the C.A.N. program (campus activities network) happily help us struggling students and give us something fun to do, to get us away from the book for a bit. Since it is so close to Christmas, tonight was our annual campus wide Christmas party! And yes, Santa did make an appearance. another fun event is B.I.N.G.O night! this is something that many students love about finals time. Its also breakfast under that stars! Who doesn't want to eat a pancake breakfast at 7pm and play bingo, for some great prizes.
Some people have a hard time sitting down and me! I always find myself doing something else.. one example would be writing this blog that you are reading. I should be doing some stupid web assign homework and working on an ESS paper that I have yet to start. Some people find it hard to study when they think they can be something more fun. The topic of the current post was going to be on this website that i stumbled across. this is a website that make it sound like its raining. I think that rainy weather is a good time to get stuck in the library and study! So if your having trouble getting your studying done, put your headphones on and check out the website.

I wish everyone the best of luck on their finals! Just remember that this means that the year is halfway over, and to my fellow seniors, its the halfway point of our last year! Good Luck! and make sure to get some sleep!

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