Friday, December 2, 2011

Operation yellow chalk

Since it's the end of the semester and today was the last day of actual classes, I decided to pull a small prank. To some this prank may seem completely stupid but to me and the other two students in my environmental chemistry class, it was the perfect way to end the semester!
In the classroom in which my chem class was being taught the room still had chalkboards, no new age white board. (all green markers smell bad!) And throughout the semester our teacher had always used white chalk no matter how small the piece, even when there was a perfectly good piece of yellow chalk on the ledge. He would also always note there was never enough chalk in the room. So one day in the middle of the semester I deiced to conduct a small experiment. I arrived early to class on day and took all the white chalk in the room, leaving the yellow chalk at the front board, and placed it in the back of the room under an eraser. (there were multiple erasers so there was no need to have this on the main chalk board in the front of the room). You couldn't exactly tell that there was white chalk under the eraser and in order to get it to you had to walk all the way to the back of the room. When class started the teacher started lecture and then noticed that only yellow chalk remained at the front board, he then looked around and notice the eraser and walked all the way to the back of the room with our skipping a beat in the lecture. Now before class started and my other two class mates arrived I had told them what I had done and thought it to be as hilarious as I did. So as the teacher proceeded back to the front of the room with the white chalk, we could hardly keep our composure. So I started thinking of when I would conduct my final experiment of only having yellow chalk in the room!
So today being the last day of classes I thought it would be the perfect day!
What I didn't expect, was how hard it would be to get a box of only yellow chalk, ( a box of white.. not a problem, and a box of multicolored no probemlo...  but a box of only yellow chalk.. you must be talking craziness)
So my partner in crime (who I shall keep anonymous, for her safety from the Wal-Mart chalk patrol) deiced that we would take the two pieces of yellow chalk from the multicolored boxes and create a yellow chalk box!! PURE BRILLIANCE!
The starting product. A 12 multicolored box of chalk
What happens when you take out the yellows and replace with different color. someones gonna get mad.

Our finihsed product, a box of only yellow chalk!
Operation Yellow Chalk on 12/01/2011 at 13:00 was underway.

I decided to make it more believable that there was only yellow chalk at the board when i got to the classroom, and started studying, before class. I was at the front board working on a problem with a classmate, using the YELLOW CHALK. We worked it out and then made it to our seats and class was to begin. The teacher took a look at the chalk ledge and noticed that there was only yellow chalk, turned to us students looked at me and states "Hey, you stole me white chalk!" I thankfully said nothing aloud, but i was screaming "HOW DID YOU KNOW IT WAS ME!!!" in my head.. he then laughed and said "just kidding, its funny there was so much chalk before now there is only yellow". Class resumed and he used the yellow chalk the entire time. At the end of class, me and my two classmates were glad that operation yellow chalk had been successful and found it hilarious that he jokingly blamed me for the missing chalk. I then took the white chalk out of my backpack and placed it back on the ledge,... after the teacher had left. We left the classroom having a successful semester! Good times!

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