Friday, December 9, 2011

Its begining to look alot like chirstmas!

'Tis the season! Don't you just love the holiday season. Its the best! I love driving around and seeing all the decorations in town, and then driving around at night and season some great yard decorations. My mother is one of those people that goes nuts for Xmas decorations! You could see our house from down the street because of the glow of our front yard. I wish i had a picture to share with you, but I don't have one. So ill try to put a picture in your head, We had at Least 5 of the those blow-up decorations. I think we had one for all the major holidays! And then Imagine that someone threw-up lights on the front lawn. We made it look good though. You could always tell when you did a good job on your yard decorations when people drive really slow or even stop in front of your house! Its always fun to decorate!
 Decorations the yard, the Christmas tree, cookies, and the inside of the house! Its all fun until December 26th when having Christmas decorations is  no longer needed and it all has to come down,  but when does anyone ever get all the decorations, I  know that I'm finding decorations well into July that I just totally forgot about! As soon as I really start hitting the decor I will be sure so share some pictures!
Happy Holidays!

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