Thursday, March 8, 2012

It's been awhile!

So lately there has been this Pintrest Craze and at first I had no idea what people where talking about, when they said they "pinned" something. So I finally deiced to jump into the water, and see what this was all about! WOW! That's all i have to say. Pintrest is another website that I can get totally lost on, looking at all the fun stuff that people have posted. my "boards" are filled with "pins" and i have alot of new things that I want to try.( i.e recipes and crafts!) I am so excited to start all of that.

Other than pintrest, everything is going well. I am in the last stretch of my college career. I only have around 50 more days till I graduate. The lacrosse season has started up, and we currently have a 2-1 record! We have two more games this weekend, hopefully we come out 4-1! that would be great! We flew out to California for our first three games of the season, it was nice to be out there, and have some sun shining down. Back in Michigan its still crappy weather, but its supposed to be getting nicer.

My 22nd Birthday is coming up and I am not sure what to ask for! Any ideas??
Well I should back to doing homework/pintrest!
Have a swell weekend everyone!

FripFrop     ~ check out my boards

You can see the Hollywood sign in the background!!! How awesome!?

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