Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Day time T.V.

Do you remember stay home during school cause you sick or "sick". Sitting on the couch and watching day time TV was always the best. Well now that I’m in college and no longer have an 8am-3pm class schedule. I have time during the day to watch Day time TV. So I wanted to make a little blurb about what I watch during the day... I will try to follow this with my Prime time TV shows that I watch/live by! 

Who does not love the food network. I have always been a fan of watching this channel.

I love Ellen! she is so funny and know how to put on a great show!
Now I only recently started watching Nate, I love it cause he has alot of DIY and personal stuff on the show. I love it!

The doctors is a daytime show i have liked for a while. It always has great information on the show that you can use. I love that they added Jillian Micheals to the cast. she knows allot about fitness and that is something everyone should relate to health.

Now these were not the shows that I always watched when i stayed home, these are the shows i watch now, between classes, that is.

Shows that I watched while I was home "sick"...

What kid didn't watch these shows! These are the shows that taught us that our parents are actually NORMAL. We learned to be glad that the people that are on these shows aren't our families!

Jake Owen is coming to AC!

Its official! The news has been facebooked, tweeted and now its been blogged! That's Right people let me repeat! Jake Owen is coming to Adrian College for the annual spring concert. Jake Owen will be preforming on the 16th of March, which just happens to be the day after my 22nd birthday. I will be making sure I have a great spot, up against the stage. Can't Wait to go to this concert! It's going to be amazing!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Getting started… again

So I have wanted to lose weight for a while now and now that I’m a senior in college and know that I don’t have a great amount of time till I get kicked into the real world, I want to look my best! So i deiced to sign up for My Fitness Pal, ( because i know people that use it! And they talk about how easy it is to use, so why not.
One of the parts of the profile wants to know what your inspirations are. I want to be healthier, i want to live longer. I want to show people that it is possible.  Now I’ll give you a bit a background of myself.
Me , my weight and sports.
I used to be a small kid, but like many people life changes usually are a cause of weight gain. Moving to a different town, a different school, and hopefully new friends were hard on my childhood. Things that helped me through: my mom, my new dad, my mom side of the family and my new family on my father’s side.
Changing schools was a huge change in my life, looking back at pictures you can see that I slowly started to gain weight. Being the new kid on the block isn’t something that makes you cool, especially when to start to gain more and more weight. And being bullied at school wasn’t exactly helping in the weight loss.  Even when I tried to join sports, I wasn’t good enough, or wasn't social enough. Let's just say that basketball and volleyball aren't my sports.
A lot changed when I went into high school, luckily some of my friends went to the same school, and I had a cousin that was in the same grade. So I slowly started to make friends and one thing that helped was the fact that I tried new sports. My dad likes golf and he encouraged me and taught me the ropes of the golf coarse. I began to love golf, and even though a wasn't good enough to play varsity, I made friends with a lot of the girls on the team. I also decided to play on the bowling team, it was a lot of fun and helped me make more friends!
Last but defiantly not least my start with lacrosse! My lacrosse career has gotten me where I am today. If I hadn’t of started playing lacrosse I would not be at Adrian College ( I stared playing lacrosse my freshman year of high school. One of the girls on the bowling team was trying out because one of her friends was trying out. So I jumped on that train. After the first day of tryouts, the coaches ask everyone if anyone wanted to be a goalie. I decided to raise my hand since I didn’t think I won’t make the team otherwise. (I wasn’t in the best of shape). So I went for it and made the team as a goalie. My goalie skills were improving immensely. By the end of my junior year, I was on the Northwestern Wildcat Elite Team. Being on this team showed me that I should look into playing lacrosse on a college level! I was brought to Adrian College! (  I started pretty much all the games my freshman year! It’s an amazing feeling. I played my freshman, sophomore years and then took my junior year off, for personal reasons, not thinking I was going to return to the turf field my senior year. But now that I’m back I have to get back into shape and it’s not the easiest of things, I am hoping that this fitness website keeps me in line! We shall see!
Until next time, fripfrop
 Me at a family golf outing two years ago
 Me (in net) my freshman year, during our fall ball game!

Getting Started

So I have come up with a brilliant plan to start writing a blog. it seems to be what everyone is doing. Which is odd because everyone is paranoid that they are being looked at too closely, yet they post their life stories online to the world. But I really don't care what people know about me, and instead of pouring my heart and soul and probably boring someone with the detail, why not just post it online. Cause if they don't want to read this, they don't have to, and I don't care. And if there bored and there's nothing else better to do then read this, (then your life must be more boring than mine and you might want to change that) they can indulge in the wonderful world of FRIPFROP.
So I  have some stuff that I  want to  post right away but ill space it out, that way it seems like I'm on everyday,  but I assure you i will slow down in blogging once I get the juicy background info up and out there. I will hopefully have a large array of postings, and sharing activities. I love cooking and baking and hanging out with my family. I also love looking online and finding fun recipes and I absolutely love to use So you'll see allot of cool and fun postings. (At least what i find cool and fun! )
This is a wonderful picture of ME! Fripfrop is a nickname that one of my friends started to use, and i guess it stuck, but according to my lacrosse team I am Finny