Friday, June 10, 2016

Off to a rough start

It's been a little over a week since my first new post I talked about how I was planning on making a fresh start and going to work really hard towards my goals . So far i have been off to a rough start.  After trying to boost my morale by posting the previous blog. But when I jumped on my scale... I had GAINED weight.. more than I want to admit. :(

It was a horrible finding, but it was what really pushed me.
Since then I have started going to some of the fitness classes that my gym offers, and even though I stopped multiple times in the classes and many times thought i was about to pass out. I kept going. Because the grass is greener on the other side, but you will never get there if you don't climb the fence!

Im climbing that fence now! I planned to get high enough on the fence that climbing back down is harder then just finishing!

Until next time!

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