Friday, June 10, 2016

Off to a rough start

It's been a little over a week since my first new post I talked about how I was planning on making a fresh start and going to work really hard towards my goals . So far i have been off to a rough start.  After trying to boost my morale by posting the previous blog. But when I jumped on my scale... I had GAINED weight.. more than I want to admit. :(

It was a horrible finding, but it was what really pushed me.
Since then I have started going to some of the fitness classes that my gym offers, and even though I stopped multiple times in the classes and many times thought i was about to pass out. I kept going. Because the grass is greener on the other side, but you will never get there if you don't climb the fence!

Im climbing that fence now! I planned to get high enough on the fence that climbing back down is harder then just finishing!

Until next time!

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

A new beginning.

The blog is back once again . I feel that blogging keeps me honest with myself because I'm putting it out into the world that I'm going to do something . So let's try this again. If it doesn't someone please hold me accountable for my actions . I don't have the willpower that I always want to keep me away from things that I don't need. Whether it be what I want to eat or what I want to buy . So today June 1, 2016 at 4:16 PM I start this blog to restart our journey that I have been on for many years . I start today and give myself an end date of mid August for when I'm going out to Colorado for wedding , I want to look my best and feel my best .

 Just a hint this journey is mostly about my weight loss if you hadn't gotten it yet . I am so far pretty happy with myself where I am now. But I know I can be in a better place . This journey would so far have been a lot harder without the people that I love letting me know how much I've changed, how much better I look, how far I have come and, letting me know that not only do I look better but I help motivate them and show them that change is possible and in their grasp.

 Since the last time I've written , I've had some slight changes in my life . Like a new job , new friends , and a new attitude . I'm willing to try new things in combination with what I already know to help me on this journey . It's going to be a busy couple of months since summer is rolling around. I will be coaching for the national lacrosse team and I do plan on going out to Richmond Virginia for a large tournament . And it's finally nice out that I get to exercise outside and not always be cooped up in a gym.With my new job my current hours are 2 AM to 10:30 AM so my sleep schedule my eating schedule and my social life are currently harder to grasp than normal . But since working at these hours I've learned when to eat , how to sleep , and use every hour of the weekend I can have a social life .

 If this at all seems interesting to you and if you've made it this far down the page you are there are related to me and wondering what the hell I'm doing or you are really bored . If you're reading this because you are genuinely interested in anything that I had just written about I'm glad you're here . If not leave now , I don't need the negativity .

 In reading this blog you'll learn my day-to-day schedule, new things and even some old things that I enjoy to eat or that I'm adding to my diet , a variety of exercise programs both new and old to keep it fresh , and just get some day-to-day information about me and what I'm up to . I know some people use Facebook to get this information out there but I'm fed up with people being annoyed about people posting everything about their life on their Facebook page even though technically that's what it's for so I'm giving people the opportunity to leave Facebook and find out more about me if wanted .

 Here we go . See you soon :-)