Tuesday, March 20, 2012

I hope everyone is off to a great first day of spring!! We are actually having some good weather here in Mittenland (Michigan). Its nice to wake up for practice and not half to wear undergear! Shorts and T-shirt weather finally. Over the St. Pat weekend, there was alot going on on campus! Friday was the Spring concert! Jake Owen, Josh Gracin, and Natalie Stovall, the concert was amazing. I stood front row and gave high fives to both Josh Gracin (Whom I love), and Jake Owen. I want to give thanks to the staff members who were kind and got water, because it was soo hot in the gym!
Yes I am aware that you really can not tell what the picture is of. This picture is more to use as a reference of how close i was with the stage. ( and it is Natalie Stovall)
 On Saturday it was St. Patrick's day which is one of my favorite holidays, not only cause of the drinking aspects, but because green is my favorite color. We had a game in the afternoon! We Won !!!!!!!  <-- Game info. Didn't do much celebrating on St. Pats. Just went out to the Pizza House in Ann Arbor with a teammate and her  mom and had a margarita!

due to spring, I really wanted to get a jump start on my gardening. I went out shopping with a friend and we planted a bunch of seeds. The seeds included chives, dill, okra, basil, cilantro, oregano, kohlrabi, jalapenos, peppers, and catnip. I can not wait for everything to start growing. I will be starting my own garden at home but i am also going to be working on mother days gifts.

this is what im will be working on for mothers day! I hoping to make at least 5, and instead of leaving them stone color i want to paint them! It'll be so sweet!

 Well I shall wrap up this post, got to get some school work done!  Here are some of my current countdowns!

~~40 days till graduation (including weekends)
~~~~29 days of school left!!! (no weekends)
~~~~~14 Lacrosse games (counting MWLC tournament but not the national tourney)
~~~~~~123 days till country tunder

Thursday, March 8, 2012

It's been awhile!

So lately there has been this Pintrest Craze and at first I had no idea what people where talking about, when they said they "pinned" something. So I finally deiced to jump into the water, and see what this was all about! WOW! That's all i have to say. Pintrest is another website that I can get totally lost on, looking at all the fun stuff that people have posted. my "boards" are filled with "pins" and i have alot of new things that I want to try.( i.e recipes and crafts!) I am so excited to start all of that.

Other than pintrest, everything is going well. I am in the last stretch of my college career. I only have around 50 more days till I graduate. The lacrosse season has started up, and we currently have a 2-1 record! We have two more games this weekend, hopefully we come out 4-1! that would be great! We flew out to California for our first three games of the season, it was nice to be out there, and have some sun shining down. Back in Michigan its still crappy weather, but its supposed to be getting nicer.

My 22nd Birthday is coming up and I am not sure what to ask for! Any ideas??
Well I should back to doing homework/pintrest!
Have a swell weekend everyone!


http://pinterest.com/fripfrop/     ~ check out my boards

You can see the Hollywood sign in the background!!! How awesome!?