Tuesday, March 10, 2015

2 countries 1 post

So for all of you that actually read this.. if anyone. I do apologize for not telling you about my meal last week. I was way too busy to blog about my post, but I did cook don't you worry.

 First we Went to Ireland- with an Irish Coddle And then we went south to the islands of New Zealand with a chicken and root veggie
meal. .
New Zealand

The New zealand Wine, with which I cooked with and drank!

Chicken ontop of the  onions and hearbs

Yummy Carrots, leeks and potatoes.

The finished product.

My Lovely Shamrock, to celebrate the Irish pride

sausage, bacon, onion, and potatoes. Sounds like new zealand

this meal steamed for about 3 hours

An Irish dinner turned into and Irish breakfast, just add eggs.

I know I didn't talk about the meals all to much,  but im so busy. All i have been able to do is cook and take pictures!

The meals were great! Just did a Canadian meal. Ill post soon!!!